ISI 2019 Details

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Men, need sharpening?

Cutting wood is hard when the axe is dull and unsharpened. So are life’s battles when our lives aren’t sharpened with wisdom (Ecclesiastes 10:10). But where can we men go to gain the wisdom we need to both win the battles we face every day AND make real progress toward becoming all God has created us to be?

More than ever, the 2019 Iron Sharpens Iron men’s one-day equipping conference, hosted by Men’s Ministry Network, has been designed specifically to help you, as a man:

  • Better understand your spiritual journey and where you are on it 
  • Determine the one or two areas in your life that most need to be sharpened 
  • Give you the skills, tools and encouragement you need to make real progress in the coming year.

The Equipping Seminars of this Saturday conference can tackle issues in ways sermons and small groups generally don’t. Your life is full; we know that. The commitment from the Iron Sharpens Iron conference team is to provide you and the men from your church with a world-class resource that exalts Jesus Christ and helps you to better Walk with God, Succeed in Life, and Spiritually Multiply.

ISI Church Registration Form – Use this to help coordinate your church attendance.

Keynote Speakers

Paul Cole

Chuck Stecker

Seminar Presenters

Joe Coco – God, Money, and the Human Heart

Jacob Carroll – Tend the Fire, Spiritual Leadership in the Home

John Vawter – Jesus, The Model of Friendship

Rodney Wright – Conquer Series – Starting Effective Men’s Groups

Jeff Kisiah – The Journey to Biblical Manhood

Clay Allen

Paul Bacon – Men’s Discipleship, The Need for a Roadmap

David Langer – Perspectives to Potential

Mike Marrs – Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

Rob Fischer – The Power of Pursuing Christ in the Company of Other Men!

Gary Brown – Discipleship, The Way Jesus Did It